Monday, February 15, 2010


It doesn't seem like so many weeks since I was last here. Time , it just speeds on by. I told myself I couldn't play until taxes were done and I behaved. Scary. But all the taxes are done and on their way to the places they belong so now I can play. This weekend I'm dying lace and ribbon and shipping tags, and I have a half finished bunny. It's just a tiny bunny, about 10 inches or so with a sweet face. Its mohair is very sparse and carmelish in color. It is an it until it comes together and shouts I'm a boy or girl bunny. It feels good to be playing again.
I am patiently waiting for February to end. It is not my best month. The shop was robbed last February, our house 3 February's ago and so it goes. February was when I dealt with my breast tumor all those years ago. On the plus side for the month my oldest was born in February, and this year he turned forty. He's feeling old this year. I had to remind him that our friend and his honor grandmom just turned 80 and celebrated by putting a new roof on her garden shed. As in she did all the work. All of it. The ripping off of the old roof and laying the new. Hanging from the ladder and everything. She's what I aspire to when I grow old. It is all about the time